Schalk Burger Statement

Schalk Burger Statement

20 years ago News

2. Another vehicle was parked in front of Schalk’s vehicle but was facing the wrong direction. This vehicle suddenly moved forward and bumped into Schalk’s car. Schalk got out of his car and asked the other driver to reverse his car so that he could see what the damage was. The other driver swore at Schalk and again drove his car into Schalk’s car after he reversed. This the other driver repeated to the extent that he drove no less than four times into Schalk’s car.

3. Schalk and his fellow passengers saw that the other driver was extremely drunk. Schalk removed the keys of the other vehicle in order to stop the other driver from driving and continually crashing into his car. Schalk also took the driver’s license of the other driver to prove his identity and to lay a charge with the police.

4. Schalk did not harm the other driver in any way. Any allegation that Schalk assaulted the other driver is blatantly untrue. It was clear that the other driver was heavily intoxicated.

5. The next morning, Tuesday 11th January 2005, Schalk went to the Stellenbosch Police Station where he reported the incident for insurance purposes. Later on the same day, Schalk was informed by the Police that they arrested the other driver who only then laid a charge for alleged assault against Schalk. Schalk was asked by the Police to respond to this charge in a statement. Despite various requests by Schalk’s legal representatives, Mr Chris Faure and Adv Mias Schreuder, the Police have not yet provided further information about the other driver’s complaints.

6. The statement in the Cape Times of 25 January 2005 that Schalk had been involved in an incident of road rage is totally unfounded. That appears from the true facts regarding the incident as set out above which were conveyed last night to the Cape Times.

7. Ms De Beer of the Police confirmed today to Mr Schalk Burger Snr that Inspector Claassen had been quoted incorrectly by the Cape Times. Inspector Claassen merely confirmed to the Cape Times that two cases were being investigated by the Police, without divulging any names or information about the allegations which found its way into the report in the Cape Times.

8. The steps taken by Schalk to prevent the intoxicated driver from continually crashing against his vehicle (in which his girlfriend and friend still were at the time) ensured the safety of everybody, including that of the drunk driver. The statement that Schalk was involved in an incident of road rage, is accordingly untrue and aimed at sensation.

9. Schalk is considering legal action against the Cape Times after the Police informed Mr Burger Snr that the untrue allegations in the report did not originate from the Police