Q&A with Rob Linde

Q&A with Rob Linde

20 years ago News


Q: What is the funniest sledge or chirp you’ve heard on the field?
A: It was actually on television. Some bloke said that I don’t look like a forward, I look like an Ethiopian backline player.

Q: You went to Maritzburg College, a very traditional rugby school. Is this something you often mention in conversation?
A: For sure. I’m proud of being a Maritzburg old boy.

Q: You are famous for giving Mark Andrews a hard time at a Natal training session when you were just 20-years-old. Is that part of the Rob Linde make-up?
A: It’s my competitive nature. I don’t care whether someone is a legend or the guy next door. Mark was cheesing me off so I gave him a piece of my mind.

Q: Which youngster in the Investec Stormers squad gives the old toppies a hard time?
A: Luke Watson. He’s a youngster, but he’s experienced and speaks his mind.

Q: Which player in the squad is the target for pranks and jokes?
A: I’m usually the one. I think it’s my big ears sticking out. And Jean de Villiers is usually at the forefront of dishing out jokes.

Q: Are you now a Cape Town boytjie through and through? Or are you heading back to Natal someday?
A: Maybe when I retire I’ll head back, but right now my heart and soul are in Cape Town.

Q: What do you think makes Cape Town such a great place?
A: I’ve never seen such a beautiful city in my life. And people make you feel so welcome here.

Q: If you didn’t play rugby, what would you be doing?
A: I had planned to become a physiotherapist, but rugby became my life.

Q: What is the craziest thing you’ve ever bought?
A: A titanium arm bracelet for R1 800. I lost it the same day I bought it! And it wasn’t even pretty! That was the last bracelet I’ll buy.

Q: Who was the last person you punched?
A: The Reds’ Nick Stiles.

Q: What turns your head in the street?
A: A beautiful woman with a beautiful behind.

Q: Who is the greatest sportsman ever?
A: My golf partner Paddy Smits. He keeps losing every weekend and has to pay me R400, which basically pays my cellphone bill. I’m a good hustler though.

Q: Who would you choose to supply the entertainment at your 50th birthday bash?
A: Pearl Jam. All my buddies. Oh, and unlimited amounts of beer.

Q: Who is the ‘David Beckham’ of the squad?
A: Luke Watson. He looks just like him. Seriously.

Q: What makes you laugh?
A: Pieter Dixon’s love handles. And of course the ‘try’ he scored against the Reds.

Q: What irritates you tremendously?
A: People who don’t give 100% commitment in everything they do.

Q: How do you spend an off weekend?
A: I play golf or surf-ski with Dixie (Dixon). If I’m too stiff I just hang out.

Q: When the Lions play the All Blacks, who do you support?
A: The All Blacks. Definitely not the Pommies.

Interview: Marina Zietsman