Sti Sithole

  • Position:
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of birth:
  • Height:
    180 cm
  • Weight:
    115 kg
  • DHL Stormers Caps:
  • Social media handles:
    Instagram: sti_sithole

What is your earliest rugby memory?

Playing barefoot rugby in an U13 provincial tournament.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

Hard to pick a person but I’d say Julian Redelinghuys(Lions scrum coach). He made a significant impact in my scrumming development which is essential for a young prop.

What do you like to do when you are not playing rugby?

Spending time with family and close friends.

Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?

My little brother. His mental toughness and approach to life is inspiring to me.

What is your favourite city you have visited and why?

Singapore. Just the most beautiful city I have ever seen. The greenery and architecture combined is something I’ve never witnessed.

What is your favourite meal?

Braai meat, pap, chakalaka.

Who was your rugby hero growing up?

Beast Tendai Mtawarira.

If you could invite any five people to a braai, who would they be?

Beast, Tom Brady, Simon Sinek, Cristiano Ronaldo, Jeff Bezos.

Which DHL Stormers player do you think is most likely to become a coach one day and why?

Ruhan Nel, he can communicate well with a diverse group of players.

Best and worst dressed in the squad?

Best: Damian Willemse and Seabelo Senatla. Worst: Gareth Wright.

Funniest person in the squad and why?


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