Salmaan Moerat

  • Position:
  • Nickname:
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of birth:
  • Height:
    200 cm
  • Weight:
    116 kg
  • School:
    Paarl Boys High
  • DHL Stormers Caps:
  • Social media handles:
    Instagram: @salmaanmoerat

What is your earliest rugby memory?

Playing for Vineyards Club Rugby.

What has been your career highlight to date?

Representing my country.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

My family. They are avid rugby supporters and the only people that have been there through the good and the bad days. All that I am and hope to be is through the grace of god and my families prayers.

What do you like to do when you are not playing rugby?

Lately, after the birth of my son. Is to as much time with him and my wife.

Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?

My father. I look up to him and he is my role model. He is the hardest worker I know. His truly inspirational.

What is your favourite city you have visited and why?

Treviso Italy.

What is your favourite meal?

Sunday Roast.

Who was your rugby hero growing up?

Jerry Collins.

If you could invite any five people to a braai, who would they be?

Labib Levy, Uzair Saban, Riefaat Jappie Suleiman Hartzenberg, Sazi Sandi.

Which DHL Stormers player do you think is most likely to become a coach one day and why?

Warrick Gelant. His very passionate about what he does.

Best and worst dressed in the squad?

Best - Senatla. Worst - Gareth Wright

Funniest person in the squad and why?
