Home final still possible

Home final still possible

20 years ago News

We left Durban on Sunday morning and only arrived in Christchurch on Tuesday morning, so we effectively lost a day to recover from the jet lag. We spent most of Tuesday recovering with Greg Hechter (Fitness Trainer) taking the boys for a pool session in the morning and later a light weights and cycle workout to wake us all up a bit.

The rest of the day was spent analyzing our game against the Sharks. We realized that, even though under the circumstances we did well to win the game, we can lift our game by at least 20% which is what we are going need to do against an outfit like the Crusaders. We are all definitely up for that and you can feel the excitement building amongst everyone for Saturday’s game.

We had a good field session on Wednesday, even though the weather has been very cold and wet, but that is how we expected it to be. Hopefully it will be all clear for Saturday’s big game.

We enjoyed our traditional team dinner out last night at a local restaurant called Valentino’s. Adri, Daan and all the other farm boys were loving the fact that they could enjoy a big steak! It was a great evening.

Some of the guys have been struggling a bit to get a full night sleep but I am sure by Wednesday night it will be much better. We have most of the morning off for physio and massage to help us recover 100% and then we will have our last training session on Thursday afternoon.

The boys will all be going out to movies this evening which is nice just to get out of the hotel. It feels like we have been living in hotels for so long now.

To all our loyal supporters out there, thank you so much for sticking with us through a tough Super 12. You have been vital in getting us to the semi’s and now holds thumbs for us on Saturday because it is going to be a cracker!!!

Don’t Blink

Pieter Dixon