JD Schickerling

  • Position:
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of birth:
  • Height:
    203 cm
  • Weight:
    121 kg
  • DHL Stormers Caps:
  • Social media handles:
    Instagram: johndaveschickerling

What is your earliest rugby memory?

Playing bare foot rugby in the early mornings when it was still cold and wet on the field.

What has been your career highlight to date?

Playing for the DHL Stormers against the British & Irish Lions.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

Not really anyone specific but all the coaches I have had in my career have had an impact on my career.

What do you like to do when you are not playing rugby?

I like riding adventure bikes.

Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?

My wife; she has been there always through the good and the bad.

What is your favourite city you have visited and why?

Tokyo. I lived there for one season and everything you can do there is amazing.

What is your favourite meal?

Lamb chops.

Who was your rugby hero growing up?

Bakkies Botha

Brok Harris because he is already player and coaching.

Best and worst dressed in the squad? Best dressed Damian Willemse. Worst Jean-Luc du Plessis.

Funniest person in the squad and why?

Neehtling Fouche. He is always sharp with his jokes.

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