CJ Velleman

  • Position:
    Loose Forward
  • Date of birth:
  • Place of birth:
    Somerset East
  • Height:
    181 cm
  • Weight:
    103 kg
  • DHL Stormers Caps:
  • Social media handles:
    Instagram: Cj_velleman6

What is your earliest rugby memory?

My dad telling me if you ever get the ball go full out.

What has been your career highlight to date?

My Super Rugby debut cap when I was 21 against the Sharks.

Who has had the biggest impact on your career and why?

My wife and family. It’s a big part of my why and they provided a support system that got me through some rough mental times!

What do you like to do when you are not playing rugby?

Surfing, spearfish or just getting out in the wilderness and quality time with my family.

Who has been the most influential person in your life and why?

My wife.

What is your favourite city you have visited and why?

Port Elizabeth. Its a city without traffic!

What is your favourite meal?


Who was your rugby hero growing up?

George Smith.

If you could invite any five people to a braai, who would they be?

Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz and Radio Raps.

Which DHL Stormers player do you think is most likely to become a coach one day and why?

Brok Harris.

Funniest person in the squad and why?

Warrick Gelant. His comments from the back during team meetings.

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